Digital by choice by Ferdinand Ayen for GFA Consulting Group Hamburg

Covid-19 pandemic has made the whole world adapt to the new “everything”. Learning journey through problem-solving didactics is the core method of Klett EDU training center. For our team, working during the pandemic was actually one of the most important real-life learning situations in terms of adapting and finding the best ratio between in-class and digital learning. Thanks to the great cooperation with our partner Ziga Fon from DigiEd, we are upgrading our LMS platform. We are aware of how much gamification in learning boosts results and ensures easy knowledge adoption. Since the analog learning in Klett EDU training center is inherently gamified, due to project work in teams and competition as the natural flow, we have decided to implement gamification in digital learning as well.

So when we say Vocational Education. Reinvented. we really mean it.

 You can listen to the whole interview on the following link

Ferdinand Ayen