Klett EDU continues the development for our customers

Dear friends and partners,


as the corona crisis is hitting Serbia, our Klett EDU team has undertaken measures to stay both safe and operational. Ongoing Mechatronic programs and German courses have stopped for the time being, but the development of new programs’ formats has not.

 Why do we do this?

 Because this crisis will be over one day, and our job is to prepare  for this day now.

 Currently, we are further developing and refining

  • Mechatronic courses for one year and their accreditation

  • German courses both online and classroom-based

  • Welding courses and their accreditation

  • Hotel management

 In this context, today we launch our new website that reflects our ambition to be an active part in the Serbian vocational education sector and to establish a powerful tool to communicate with our customers on behalf of our high quality VET products.

 Take care and my best wishes to all colleagues, business partners, customers and friends in Serbia,


Ferdinand Ayen


Ernst Klett Präsenzlernen Osteuropa GmbH


Ferdinand Ayen