Why is the accreditation of professional training programs necessary?

There are a really large number of organizations, schools and training centers in the education market that offer various training and professional development programs. Sometimes it is difficult to make a decision about the right choice of provider, because there are many aspects that need to be assessed when talking about the quality of training. Quality assurance means that a needs analysis has been done, a training program has been developed, an expert team of lecturers has been formed, that the realization of the program is based on the modern didactic principle of "learning by doing" and that there is a continuous evaluation. This is exactly what sets us apart on the market, and the fact that all our professional programs are accredited by the Agency for Qualifications and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, is an additional value!

Long-term cooperation with partner companies is concrete proof that the quality and the highest standards of training only make sense and give concrete results.